Mildene School

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At Milldene Primary School, we aim to offer a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum using our three curriculum drivers – The World, Diversity and Possibilities.

Our intent is to inspire our pupils by assisting in opening their eyes to a ‘world of possibilities’. We wish to show them some of opportunities that are out there for them in their futures, whether it be possible careers, different cultures or places to travel and see in the world. We want all of our pupils to develop a knowledge and respect for the similarities and differences in people and cultures and aim to help them develop independent and enquiring minds, which have the tools to succeed academically, creatively and emotionally. 

At Milldene, alongside our three curriculum drivers, we actively aim to help our pupils develop six core skills: collaboration, investigation, motivation, knowledge, resilience and initiative. We believe that through planning for, and creating opportunities to develop these key skills, we can help our pupils develop and, subsequently, rely on these to help them achieve their goals and dreams.


When organising our curriculum, we take care to ensure that different learning styles are used so that learning is meaningful, relevant and accessible for all our pupils.  The curriculum is led by topics and the development of cross-curricular links is made wherever possible.

We fully plan for, and cover, all areas of the National Curriculum and further enhance it to incorporate relevant knowledge and learning pertinent to our school and local area. Our school curriculum has been written to ensure that learning can be revisited, consolidated and developed and we focus on enabling our pupils to develop and build key skills relevant to each subject.

Depending upon the subject, we either teach it regularly (daily or weekly) or in blocks of work, which means that some subjects many not be taught during a week or even a half term, but there will be a balance over the term or year as a whole. We use a range of tools to assist us in our teaching and learning, including a French tutor,  Purple Mash and My Maths.

We invite visitors in to our school, including professionals from different industries and sports coaches, and this enables our pupils to be both inspired and to learn from the expertise of others. Educational visits are a fundamental part of our enhanced curriculum and ensure our pupils are offered a range of experiences, both locally and further afield.



It is essential that our curriculum is delivering what we intend it to and that the implementation is meaningful and impactful. We intend for pupils to leave Milldene Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content and with the understanding of how to be socially, morally spiritually and culturally responsible and how to make positive contributions in life.

We regularly assess, both formatively and summatively, the impact of our teaching and learning and monitor the effectiveness of our curriculum using a range of methods. 

CLICK HERE to view our individual subject polices. 

CLICK HERE for our Fundamental British Values Statement.

Paper copies are available upon request from the school office via


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