Mildene School

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Whilst Milldene School does not employ a School Nurse, we have strong links with the Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service linked to the NHS, who are contactable via Tel; 0300 247 0015 or via their website; Parents can phone or contact the School Nursing Team with any concerns or for health advice or arrange to meet them in person.

The school nurse carries out a health assessment when your child is in the first year of school. It is an informal discussion about your child’s health; at the same time your child will be weighed and measured and have their sight and hearing tested.

If you are concerned about your child’s hearing the school nurse can arrange for a test to be carried out. The same applies to eye tests.

Please note that any medicines brought into school should be handed to the school office, and marked clearly with your child's name and administration instructions. 

Inhalers are stored safely in the classroom and are available throughout the school day. Please make sure that these are kept in working order and are clearly named with any instructions for their use.

If your child needs other medicines during the school day we ask that you either come to the school at lunchtime to administer them, or complete a permission form at the School Office for a member of staff to do so. 

If your child is on a permanent or long term medicine which needs to be administered during the school day please ensure we are fully aware of what is required.

Children with long term medical conditions are supported through an Individual Healthcare Plan, completed in partnership with parents.

Information regarding infection control and common childhood illnesses: Open PDF

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