Mildene School

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Milldene Primary School Parent, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) is exactly that, an association of parents, carers, family members and staff who organise fundraising and social events for the school with all proceeds and profits going to the school. 

Our latest newsletter: Open PDF

The purpose of the Milldene PTFA is to:

  • Support and enhance the educational experience at Milldene Primary School
  • Develop a closer connection between home and school by encouraging parent/carer involvement
  • Improve the environment at Milldene Primary School through volunteer and financial support. 

Every parent, carer and member of staff is automatically a member of the PTFA and is welcome to attend our half-termly meetings. Anyone can stand for election as an officer of the PTFA at our annual AGM. Alternatively, you can get involved in another capacity either as a volunteer or organiser of a PTFA event. We are always in need of help from you whether it is through your ideas, your donations or your time. 

How to get involved: 

There are lots of ways you can help and support the school through the PTFA. Your support is vital to enable us to put on fun events for our children and of course raise valuable funds. We understand that it is difficult to commit to being a PTFA member and attend meetings so we are always looking for casual helpers:

  • At an event – could you man a stall for thirty minutes? Help set up or clear up at the school disco? Sell some ice lollies?
  • Behind the scenes – are you a brilliant baker who could make cakes for our cake sales? Or perhaps you’re good at negotiating raffle prizes from local stores? Or count bags of donated clothes? Or plant some bulbs?
  • You can even raise money for the PTFA from the comfort of your own armchair simply by shopping online through (at no extra cost to you!).


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