Mildene School

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Mental Health and Wellbeing


NEW! Wellbeing Resources Booklet: Open PDF

Paper copies are available upon request from the school office via

Looking after yours and your child's mental health and wellbeing is important.  Happy minds enable children to focus, learn and engage with their peers in a positive way.  However, we know that life has a way of throwing you curve balls and feeling happy and positive all the time is an unrealistic expectation.  It is how you deal with these set backs that counts.  We hope that this page helps you to find the tools and resources that help you and/or your child; everyone is different.  

Please remember that you are not alone and that we are here to help.  

Link to Essex Wellbeing Service:

Government guidance on supporting people's mental health and wellbeing:

NHS support for mental health and wellbeing:

Place2Be Parenting Smart Articles: Practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour

Conflict resolution

Spending time together at home can put additional pressure on family relationships or amplify existing tensions. Disagreement will happen from time to time, but here are 3 steps that you can take to try and resolve the argument.

Pause - is a disagreement escalating to a point where you are no longer in control and you are just reacting? If so, take a breath and re-assess the situation.

Think - try to reflect on why an argument started. Ask yourself how you were feeling before the conversation started and whether you were already feeling anxious or tense.

Resolve it – take a step back. Is this argument about something important, or can you come back to it when you are both calmer?

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