Mildene School

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PE and Sports Premium

The sports grant is a yearly sum of money based on pupil numbers that the school uses to improve the sports and fitness of the pupils.

  • Sports Premium Evaluation 2018-2019:  Open PDF
  • Sports Premium Evaluation 2020-2021:  Open PDF
  • Sports Premium Evaluation 2021-2022: Open PDF


  • Sports Premium Infographic 2018-2019:  Open PDF
  • Sports Premium Infographic 2019-2020: Open PDF
  • Sports Premium Infographic 2021-2022: Open PDF


The sports grant has allowed us to increase the children's participation in sport and enhance our staff's existing skills in teaching physical education.

Milldene's involvement in competitive sports will increase as, thanks to the funding, we can now join the Colchester Blackwater School Sports Partnership (CBSSP). Every year group has at least two sports competitions that the children will train for and attend. The competitions cover a wide variety of sports including rugby, cross country running and 'Sportshall' athletics..

The grant has also provided funds for specialist coaches for both dance and squash skills. This year we will also have three sports clubs: football, dance and rugby..

New equipment has been acquired for both lessons and lunchtimes. The play equipment, which is very capably managed by our Year Five and Six play leaders, has had an especially positive impact on participation in exercise during lunchtime and also on social skills and team work..

Finally, part of the grant has been set aside for the maintenance of our onsite swimming pool. This pool is used during the summer term by Milldene and other local schools. The pinnacle of the swimming season is of course our highly popular swimming gala; a chance for our children to show what capable and advanced swimmers they have become through the aid of our wonderful swimming coach.

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