Key Stages
Foundation Stage
During the Foundation Years, much of the work is developed through play—play which is purposeful and structured so that our pupils learn actively from the six areas of learning and experience for young children (Personal and Social Development, Language and Literacy, Mathematics, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Physical Developments and Creative Developments). Our Reception class is included in our enhanced curriculum and planning, teaching and learning includes the development of skills and knowledge required to successfully transition to the Year 1 curriculum.
Phonics Information - Click Here
KS1 and KS2
Each National Curriculum subject has been developed and enhanced to ensure it meets the needs of all of our pupils and our intent. Progression statements are used to ensure subject knowledge and skills are built upon and assessment statements help us to identify progress, areas of attainment, strength and development.
Vision statements: Please click here
Please click on the policy links for each subject for further information:
Paper copies are available upon request from the school office via
To enquire further about our full school curriculum, which details exactly what will be covered by each year group over the course of a year, and our progression statements, which detail how skills and knowledge will be built upon, please contact the school office using the following email: admin@milldene.essex.sch.uk