School Dates / Times

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School Dates / Times


PE Timetable:

To be confirmed

 Please note that for Forest School, P.E kit will be required as well as Wellies/Socks/Waterproofs/Layers


Full Calendars:

Daily Times:

Infants    Morning: 8:45 - 12:15  Afternoon: 13:15 - 15:15 (exit via main entrance)

Juniors    Morning: 8:45 - 12:25  Afternoon: 13:15 - 15:15 (exit via side gate)

Gates open at 8:35 for all pupils.

Total hours per week: 32.5

If children have been home to lunch or are returning for the afternoon session after a medical appointment, please do not send them until the time of the session as we need to know exactly who is on the premises in case of an emergency.

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